Affordable Romantic Date Night Ideas at Home for Busy Parents
Let’s delve into why date nights are important, even when you are a parent, with my 5 perfect date night ideas that are practical, affordable and can happen right at home.
Why Date Nights Are Important Even When You Are Busy
Well simply because date nights mean a special time for just the couple. A time to focus on the couple relationship.
It is important to have a healthy intimate relationship with your partner in order to be a better parent to your child.
We often live with the misconception that good parenting is all about focusing on the child and their needs and we put ourselves and our couple relationship on the back burner.
We forget that a child can only be truly happy when they have a happy family. Where love is not only for the child but true, deep commitment in between the couples.
Let me share a bit of my life story with you.
“What! A Romantic Date Night. I am a busy, working mom with a family. I don’t even get ‘me time’. A romantic date night is not even remotely possible!”
This was me some years back. Until a wise woman said to me.
“If you are not going to make time to look after yourself and nurture your relationship, you might not have a family!”
“But I am a good mom! I work so I can provide well for my children. I spend the rest of the time making sure everything is done for them. I cook. I clean. I am exhausted!”
I was desperately in love with my husband when we got married. I felt like I was the luckiest woman on earth when I had my first kid and then my second.
But what this wise woman said, made me think.
I realised in that moment of reflection that, yes, we were busy and happy as a family. But it was a lot of work and commitment and somewhere along the journey, we got so committed to the children that we forgot about us.
‘Us’ as in husband and wife. I could not remember when was the last time that my husband and I had just snuggled and chatted- about us.
All we talked about now was about the children, the bills, the fees, teachers and the kids extra activities after school.
But seldom about ‘US’.
I realized that there was already a disconnect in our relationship.
The husband that I love with all my being was now someone I didn’t know that well anymore. I didn’t know what he wanted from me in our relationship. I didn’t know who his new friends were or what his aspirations were anymore.
The wise woman was right! I needed to make some changes. I needed to reconnect with my husband at a soul-deep level. And so, I got to work!
My first task was to mark the nights on the calendar that was free of children’s activities or had an early finish.
To get the children into a regular daily routine so that our evenings were not full of nagging, tantrums, and meltdowns. I discovered that children are visual creatures. And so, introducing a children’s daily routine chart worked wonders for me.
Here is an Article that explains why a routine is so important in a child’s life. You will be amazed at the difference it makes in your life and your child’s behaviour and self-regulation. Here is a Free Download of the children’s daily routine template that you can easily customize to your needs.
3. Next, I planned things that I could do with my husband- just my husband. I had to figure out how I could do this around my children. With a little bit of research and a lot of determination, I compiled a list of things that were practical, doable, and affordable for busy parents. But best of all, we didn’t even have to leave the house.
Here is My List of 5 Ideas for an Affordable Romantic Date Night at Home for Busy Parents.
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1. Scented Candles and Chat
Scented Candles will always be on the top of the list for me.
And why not? It sets up the romantic ambience from the get-go.
The beautiful scent immediately lifts the mood, creates a soft, relaxing atmosphere and presents an opening for a nice, romantic night.
For me, turning off the harsh lights sort of switched off the chaos and mess around me.
The soft glow and the aromatic scent allowed me to focus on only what was in front of me (my husband).
Scented candle and chat- a romantic date night idea for busy parents at home
I particularlylove this set of scented candles.
They come in colourful, attractive jars, which look great as decorative pieces by themselves.
These quality 100% soy candles come in 12 different unique scents.
It has a long burning life which means that each candle can be used multiple times and therefore good value for money, as now I can use them in many more date nights to come.
Now, sit back together, relax and chat, but the rule is that you can only talk about yourself and each other. Avoid talking about kids, jobs, responsibilities or in-laws.
When we initially did this date night for ourselves, the realization of how much we just missed talking to each other about ‘us’ was humbling.
2. Soft Music in Candlelight
See, we are already using the candles again for our next date night. And yes, you guessed right! I love candles. Turning off the lights allows me to switch off everything distracting and focus on what’s in the soft glow of the candlelight; us.
This date night requires only three things: music, candlelight, and your presence…… oh and maybe wine.
The rule for this date is to get close and just sway to the soft music. Enjoy the music and the beautiful scent. It is time to relax and saviour each other’s presence.
3. Wine and Stargazing (No equipment required)
Getting out of the house, even if it is just out on the patio, back veranda or the backyard gives a sense of freedom.
What better way to enjoy the evening than to get out with your loved one and enjoy some fresh air?
There is very little preparation needed for this date night. All you need is a nice picnic rug, wine (maybe a picnic hamper), and citronella candles. (don’t let the mosquitoes spoil your night.)
This citronella candleis made with natural lemongrass oil. Enjoy the soft glow, beautiful fresh lemongrass scent and mosquito-free zone as you enjoy the magic of nature.
Lay back and enjoy the beautiful starlit sky and indulge in reminiscing together.
What better way to reconnect than to talk about your very first dates and that first feeling of falling in love with each other.
CITRONELLA CANDLE- for perfect outdoor date night
Date night Ideas for busy parents
PICNIC RUG-perfect for outdoor dates
4. Dinner Out on the Patio
Let’s continue with the outdoor date night theme. Once again, this date night requires very little prep.
Take your citronella candles and set up a casual dining space outside. It is up to you how much effort you want to put into jazzing up this space.
For me, some fairy lights and candles do the trick of creating a romantic atmosphere.
Sit outside for dinner for a change. Use the patio table or a picnic rug out in the backyard. It is up to you and where you feel most comfortable and relaxed.
The idea is to get out in the fresh air, away from the urge of cleaning or other responsibilities, so that you can enjoy some couple time together.
Order some take out dinner or bring out a plate each of whatever was cooked for dinner and enjoy this special moment together.
Use this time to talk about your day and future aspirations.
Sharing, communicating lightens the burden. It also allows your partner to understand your stress or frustrations and encourages you to support each other in your home life and responsibilities.
5. Lucky Draw of Wishes
Easy Romantic Date Night At Home for Busy Parents
Now that you are reconnecting and beginning to share your aspirations, it is time to delve deeper into understanding your partners most craved desires and wishes.
Set a date night for this. The rule is to write 5 (or whatever number works for you) wishes each.
Each person writes on their choice of coloured paper. Fold your wishes and place them all in a bowl together.
It is up to you how you set up your date night space. You could choose to go outside with your picnic rug or set up your bedroom with some candles and fairy lights.
The goal is to relax and enjoy learning about each other’s desires or wishes.
Take turns to read your partners wishes. Then, chat about them, making plans to make those wishes true.
Can you see how much value these simple at-home date nights can bring into your relationship?
It is more meaningful to deeply connect with your partner by making time for special moments at home than waiting for that perfect time to go out on a date.
When I started re-connecting with my husband, I found a vast improvement in our overall relationship.
Sharing chores at home was not just done out of responsibility anymore but with the real desire to help each other- with the desire to spend more time together.
Our happiness and love automatically transferred to our children
But let me tell you that none of these couple times would have been possible if I had not worked hard and persistently to get my children into a daily routine.
You can easily custom create one for your family for free.
Just remember that, yes, children do need you, but self-care and sustaining a healthy couple relationship, is the vital ingredient to a happy family.