9 Reasons Sleep Deprived Moms Struggle To Be A Good Mom- How To Change That
Why Most Moms of Young Children Are Sleep Deprived
Most moms of young children are sleep deprived for a variety of reasons.
Young children often have difficulty sleeping through the night, which can make it difficult for moms to get a full night's sleep. This leaves moms feeling exhausted during the day.
It is also no secret that a mom often finds herself up at night worrying about their child's health and wellbeing, which can make it difficult to fall asleep.
Balancing family, housework and work is another very real challenge for moms, which can also contribute to sleep deprivation.
A mom would agree that there are never enough hours in the day to do everything.
Being the ‘Perfect Mother’ Syndrome
Most sleep deprived moms are the ones who try to be the perfect mother.
They want to be able to do it all and be everything to their children. They don't want to miss a beat. They feel like they have to be on all the time.
However, this is not sustainable and can be extremely exhausting, both physically and emotionally.
Here is an article that explains all about mom burnout: 17 Ways to Overcome Mom Burnout-Symptoms, Consequences and Selfcare
The Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Moms
At some point, these moms will crash and burn. Sleep deprivation will take its toll.
Some of the side effects of sleep deprivation in moms are:
irritability, depression, and anxiety
Difficult to concentrate and make decisions
Can cause issues like headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.
slows metabolism regulation which can cause weight gain.
weaken the immune system which can make moms more susceptible to illness.
How Can a Mom's Lack of Sleep Affect the Mother-Child Relationship
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1.Irritability and Impatience
Overtiredness can lead to irritability and impatience.
When you're tired, it's hard to control your emotions. You may find yourself snapping at your kids more easily or being more impatient than usual.
When this happens, it can become difficult for moms to maintain a healthy relationship with their children.
2.Difficulty Focusing
Difficulty focusing can lead to less engagement with your child.
It's hard to for moms to stay focused on anything when they are exhausted.
You may find yourself zoning out or not really listening when your child is talking to you. This can be frustrating and confusing for a child.
Your child may think that you don't care about what they have to say and begin withdrawing from engaging with you or start to act out thinking this is the only way they can make you listen.
3. Short Tempered
You may find yourself getting angry more often and easily. This can lead to arguments with your child or spouse.
It can also make it difficult to discipline your child effectively or worse dish out unfair or unjustified punishment.
Unfair discipline can have several negative consequences on the child.
These can include feeling isolated, anxious, or even depressed.
Unjustified discipline can also lead to behavioural problems, as children may act out in an attempt to seek attention or retaliate against those who they feel are mistreating them.
In some cases, children who are poorly disciplined may also struggle academically, as they may have difficulty concentrating or paying attention in school.
Ultimately, children who are subject to poor discipline often have a harder time succeeding both in and out of the classroom.
As the child grows older, they might begin to blame their parent for their struggles and failures thus straining the parent- child relationship.
4.Prone to Making Mistakes
You're more likely to make mistakes.
When you're tired, your judgment is impaired. This can lead to mistakes like forgetting to pack your child's lunch or forgetting to sign a permission slip.
These types of forgetfulness can actually have a negative impact on your relationship with your child.
If you're constantly forgetting things that are important to your child, they may start to feel like you don't care about them or their interests.
5. Exhaustion and Lack of Energy
You may have less energy for activities with your child.
It's tough to muster up the energy to play with your child or take them to the park when you're exhausted.
This can lead to a feeling of guilt. You may feel like you're not doing enough for your child.
On the other hand, when a child sees their mother not taking the time to do fun activities with them, it can lead to the child feeling neglected.
The child may think that they are not important to their mother. This can cause feelings of sadness, loneliness, and low self-esteem.
6. Affect Mother- Baby Bond
Sleep deprivation can have a negative effect on the mother-baby bond.
A sleep deprived mom can be irritable and moody, which can make it difficult for a mother to bond with her baby.
Sleep deprivation can interfere with a mother's ability to produce milk, which can further disrupt the bonding process.
Lack of sleep can also cause a mother to be less responsive to her baby's cues, making it more difficult to establish a healthy attachment.
7. Impaired Immunity
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If you're constantly sick, it's tough to participate in activities with your child. You may have to miss out on important events or activities because you're not feeling well.
It can be difficult for a child when a mom constantly misses out on important children's activities or events.
The child may feel like they are not important to the mother, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and loneliness.
The child may also have a hard time understanding why the mother is not able to participate in these activities, which can lead to frustration and confusion.
8. Yelling at Your Child
Exhaustion can lead to yelling and losing your temper.
It's hard to keep your cool when you're tired. You may find yourself yelling at your kids more often or having a shorter fuse than usual.
Yelling at a child can cause them to feel anxious and scared. They may feel like they are in trouble all the time, even when they haven't done anything wrong.
It can damage the parent-child relationship and make it difficult for the child to trust the parent.
The child may also start to believe that they are somehow responsible for the parent's anger, which can lead to feelings of guilt and shame.
Yelling at a child can cause lasting damage to their emotional wellbeing.
Here is an article about why mom selfcare is so important for raising calm kids: Why Better Selfcare For Moms Is The Best Way For Raising Calm Kids
9. Postpartum Depression
Sleep deprived moms can be at a higher risk for postpartum depression.
Women with postpartum depression may feel hopeless, worthless, and unable to care for their baby.
As a result, they may withdraw from their child and become less involved in their development.
Studies have shown that children of depressed mothers are more likely to have problems with emotional regulation and social skills.
Children may also be more prone to developing depression themselves.
What Can Moms Do to Improve Sleep Quality
A mother's sleep quality may have a significant impact on her relationship with her child. When a mother has had enough sleep, she is better able to be patient and engaged with her kid.
She'll also have the energy to participate in physical activity and fun.
This increases the likelihood that the child will develop healthy sleep habits and behaviors, which in turn leads to improved parental bonding.
Better quality rest can assist a mother's connection with her kid by decreasing conflict and improving communication.
There are a few things that moms can do to try to improve their sleep quality:
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1. Practice Relaxation Techniques:
Relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing and aromatherapy can help reduce stress and promote sleep.
Essential oils as aromatherapy can be particularly helpful in promoting sleep. Here are some essential oil blends that can be easily added to the diffuser for that calming, soothing fragrance or added to bath water for a relaxing bedtime bath.
Sleep Tight Essential Oil Blend -made with 100% essential oils for that soothing, sweet aroma that supports quality of sleep.
Sleep Aid Essential oil Blend - a sleep enhancing blend of relaxing essential oils with soft floral scents that calms body and mind.
Australian Sandalwood Essential Oil- If you are not into floral scents than try this soft woodsy aroma to help reduce nervous tension, quiet the mind, and calm agitated emotions.
Amyris Essential Oil- has a soft woodsy aroma with a hint of sweet to help unwind from your day and relax before going to sleep.
It is no secret that moms can have a more restful night when the children sleep through the night.
Here are some kid safe essential oil options that can be used safely to relax kids into a restful sleep every night.
Lavender is a calming oil that can help to soothe the mind and body. Diffuse a few drops at night to create a warm, calm atmosphere that is perfect for sleeping and relaxation.
Roman Chamomile is also a calming oil that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. The sweet, "green," herbaceous apple-like scent will have you drifting off into a deep slumber.
Calming the Child Blend with Mandarin Orange, Tangerine, Lavender, Roman Chamomile diluted in Fractionated Coconut Carrier Oil. This blend is for calming your child’s mind, and gets them ready for a relaxing, peaceful night’s sleep.
Sweet Slumber Blend dilute to add to carrier oil for a soothing back and chest rub, or add to shampoo or bubble bath before bedtime to help calm and relax the body and mind in order to have a good night’s sleep.
2. Have a Consistent Bedtime Routine:
A bedtime routine can help signal to your body that it's time to wind down and go to sleep.
It might also help you to learn tips, techniques, to balance your sleep chemicals naturally.
This will help you nurture a peaceful environment for sleeping that is essential to the minds ability to shut off and drop down into a deep soothing slumber. Watch this FREE Video.
3. Get Your Kids Into A Bedtime Routine:
Most moms would love to get a little more sleep, and establishing a bedtime routine for kids can help make that happen.
Taking a bath or shower, reading together, and dimming the lights are all soothing activities that may help kids (and adults!) unwind before going to sleep.
Use the kid safe essential oils to calm and relax your child for the night.
After kids are in bed, you can take some time for yourself to relax with a book, listen to music, or even just lay down in silence.
By setting aside some time each night for peace and quiet, moms can encourage her kids to do the same and everyone in the family can enjoy a good night's sleep.
4. Put Away Electronics:
The blue light from screens can interfere with your body's natural sleep rhythm.
5. Get Some Exercise:
Exercise can help improve your sleep quality. Yoga and stretching are particularly good options. It can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.
6. Limit Caffeine:
Caffeine can stay in your system for up to six hours, so it's best to avoid it in the afternoon and evening.
7. Avoid Alcohol:
Alcohol may make you feel drowsy, but it can actually disrupt your sleep later in the night.
Here is an article on how to establish a bedtime routine for kids-
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Sleep-deprived moms face serious negative consequences on their mental and emotional health, as well as their physical health.
It's also important to note that sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on the mother-child relationship.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic. What has been your experience with sleep deprivation?
Did you find that it had any effect on your relationships with your children?
Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think.